Dried mouth of the top of the top of the earthquarters
2022-08-10 04:57:53 4
One statement on the eight-character life is different, and people's views on the role of landmarks are different, but it can be determined that the landmarks will have certain effects on the fate of a person.那么下面就跟随小编的脚步,一起到文章中看看地支藏干的口诀,八字地支藏干十神详解,要如何来进一步论断呢?
Human branch
Dry speed
The child is single, and the ugjust has henous.
中 丙 丙, 卯 木 藏,
Chen Tang Pucein, 巳 丙丙 庚,
Di-buthe soil, unparalleled Di,
Shen Li Geng's 壬, 酉 中 独 金,
- Dry songs
The uterus is in it, and the ugly is the same;
宫, 卯
Chen Tibetan ethylenoprain, has a golden topaz ext;
The Swong Palace is a total of hemorrhoids;
Shen Geng golden water, 宫 庚 辛 金 丰;;
戌 藏 金 金 金 金 辛, 中 水 木.
The eight-character support is a detailed explanation.
2, ugly hidden '
(1) The ugliness is the meaning of the shoulder; (2) Xin is the food god of your own and ugly; (3) Diamatere and ugly.
3, 中 'Methyl
(1) 寅 比 比; (2) is the food god of A and 寅; (3) Negle is a part of A and 寅.
4, 中 '', and B.
5, Chen Zhong Tibet 'Ethal.
(1) Chen and the glutamil have the meaning of shoulder; (2) B is the official official of Wutang and Chen; (3) 正 是 正 正 正 正 正.
6, 中 丙戊 '.
(1) 巳 巳 比 比;;; 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 财 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 财 是 是 财 是 是 是 是;; 财;;;;;;
7, the afternoon hidden '己'.
(1) Spread and Ding have the meaning of shoulder; (2) Herene is a god of glutamines.
8, not hiding 'oorstere'.
(1) The righteousness of the shoulder is not composed; (2) B is a self-contained deflation; (3) Dan is self-contained.
9, Shenzhong Tibetan 'penthenum ".
(1) Shen Geng has a shoulder; (2) 戊 庚 和; (3) is Geng and Shen's food god.
10, 酉 酉 'Xin'.酉 is the righteousness of the shoulder.
(1) 和 和 比 比 比 之; 印 正 印 印 印 印 印 印 印 印 印 正 正 正 正 正 正 印 正 正 正 印 正 正 正 正 正 正 正 印 印 印 印;;;; 印 印 印
12, Hai Zhong Tibet 'Armhy'.
(1) Hai and 壬 have the meaning of shoulders; (2) A is the food god of and Hai.